DenTiUS Plaque: A web tool of image analysis for diagnosis and quantification of the bacterial plaque levels

The main goal of this Project is the development of the application called DenTIUS Plaque, which involves creating a computer tool, accessible through the web, which responds to the problem of quantifying the amount of dental plaque, analyzing its evolution objectively in a patient over time. The tool must have appropriate characteristics to observe, both visually and by quantifying, the evolution of the bacterial plaque of a patient.


The objectives of the Project are the following:

  • To use a completely adjustable supporting structure for its adaptation and validation within an image analysis protocol of stained dental plaque. The device will allow us to get different images in different clinical moments that have the same characteristics of resolution, quality and range of color (under ultraviolet light and stained with fluorescein) with the ultimate goal of performing a subsequent comparative analysis between several images.
  • To develop an specific software via web for visualization/quantification levels of bacterial plaque in an objective, easily and quickly based on image analysis techniques on photographic images obtained under the conditions previously described.
  • To validate the specific software through an observational study of the evolution of bacterial plaque for a period of 5 days in a group of healthy subjects.