IDEATIO: Intelligent devices and tools for health care quality control of apnea in integrated inpatient/outpatient follow-up

The main objective of this project is to develop models, techniques, tools and devices designed to control the quality of care in monitoring apnea patients in inpatient and outpatient areas. The medical domain chosen for developments proposed in the project is the Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS).

The project will be based particularly on European standards HISA (Healthcare Information System Architecture) from CEN for analyzing and modeling the interactions between Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG), Plans of Care (PC), Individualized Protocols (IP), activities, agendas and the Electronic Health Record (EHR). Special emphasis will be in relation to the workflow of the individual subject, in the use of semantic web techniques, and the proposed models for systems integration in healthcare architecture. As a result, it is necessary to propose extensions on HISA for possible inclusion.


  • Models, techniques and tools for the temporal abstraction from physiological parameters will be developed, leading to the identification of events of physiopatological interest over the set of signal that constitutes the night polysomnographic test.
  • Information fusion and the search of association relations between the elements of the aforementioned set, in the context of all the information acquired during the follow-up of the patient.
  • The design of a domiciliary polysomnographic test that allows performing a patient stratification that permits to prioritize their admission in the hospital pneumology service.
  • A device for the sleep monitorization in the home will be provided as a result, with the aim of alleviates the overload of the hospital sleep units.