Workshop: 'Research Data Management'

Research Data Management is an activity that can transform a project into a great executed project, but it needs different skills beyond the specific scientific discipline, like IT or administration. This workshop will consist of two parts, in which we will discuss  together the activity of Data Management under different perspectives. The first session will be oriented to the work of Project Managers and Administrators, creating or following a certain Data Management Policy, and dealing with the European and National calls asking to provide a Data Management Plan. The second session will be an interactive workshop for researchers and research technicians who work within a scientific project and have to actively interact with a Data Management Plan, read, follow and contribute to it.

About  the speaker

Nadia Tonello has a PhD in Astrophysics (Technical University Munich, Germany) and a specialization in Big Data (University of California San Diego, Coursera). She worked as Data Scientist generating forecast tools for European electricity markets (AleaSoft, Barcelona).  As Postdoc, she worked at the Scientific Information Port (PIC)  data center, in Barcelona. At PIC she was scientific liaison for Cosmology projects, with responsibilities in data operations, transfer, data reduction, storage and publication. Since 2018 she leads the group of Data Management of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. She coordinates the BSC activities of European Open Science projects like EOSC-hub and EOSC-synergy. She collaborates with the Center of Excellence in Solid Earth Science and with the national node of ELIXIR (Life Science), and participates to the data working group of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES).