
Jan 2022

José Manuel Abuín Mosquera

Software Developer en Mestrelab Research

Developed his PhD thesis, Big Data meets High Performance Computing: Genomics and Natural Language Processing as case studies (2017), under the supervision of Anselmo Tomás Fernández Pena.

Jan 2022

Edoardo Emilio Coronado Barrientos

Software Developer en Mestrelab Research

Developed his PhD thesis, Parallelization and Optimization of Iterative Solvers On High Performance Architectures (2021), under the supervision of Antonio García Loureiro.

Sep 2021

Ahmad Abdel Karim Ali Aburomman

PhD researcher in Machine Learning and NLP en Universidad de Alcalá

Developed his PhD thesis, Estimación do tempo restante en procesos de negocio utilizando información estrutural das trazas (2020), under the supervision of Alberto Bugarín Diz and Manuel Lama Penín

Jul 2021

Afonso Xavier Canosa Rodríguez

Professor of Lingua Galega e Literatura en Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade

Developed his PhD thesis, A identificacão e referenciacão de entidades geográficas mencionadas: o caso da 'Peregrinação', de Fernão Mendes Pinto (2017), under the supervision of Pablo Gamallo Otero

Jul 2021

José Isaac Zablah Ávila

Research Professor en Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Developed his PhD thesis, Diseño y optimización de una infraestructura computacional basada en la nube (2019), under the supervision of Antonio García Loureiro

Jul 2021

Manisha Sanjay Sirsat

PhD researcher en InnovPlantProtect

Developed his PhD thesis, Application of machine learning to agricultural soil data (2017), under the supervision of Eva Cernadas García and Manuel Fernández Delgado.

Jul 2021

Dinani Gomes Amorim

Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programme en Universidade do Estado da Bahía

Developed his PhD thesis, Redes ART con categorías internas de geometría irregular (2007), under the supervision of Senén Barro Ameneiro and Manuel Fernández Delgado.

Jan 2021

Adrián González Sieira

Artificial Intelligence Engineer / Data Scientist en DXC Technology

Developed his PhD thesis, Motion Planning under Uncertainty for Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robots and UAVs (2020), under the supervision of Manuel Mucientes Molina y Alberto Bugarín Diz.

Nov 2020

Feras Mahmoud Awaysheh

Senior Research Academic en Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu

Developed his PhD thesis, Big Data and large-scale Analytics: Efficiency of Sustainable Scalability and Security of Centralized Clouds and Edge Deployment Architectures (2020), under the supervision of José Carlos Cabaleiro Domínguez and Tomás Fernández Pena.

Aug 2019

Roi Méndez Fernández

Interim Teacher en Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Developed his PhD thesis, Advanced visualization and interaction applied to virtual scenarios (2017), under the supervision of Julián Flores González.

Aug 2019

Khalid Alkharabsheh

Assistant professor en The University of Jordan

Developed his PhD thesis, Improving Design Smell Detection for Adoption in Industry (2019), under the supervision of José Ángel Taboada González.

Aug 2019

Javier López Fandiño

Postdoctoral Researcher en Instituto Tecnológico de Matemática Industrial

Developed his PhD thesis, Efficient multitemporal change detection techniques for hyperspectral images on GPU (2018), under the supervision of Dora Blanco Heras.

Aug 2019

David González Márquez

INGESA, Ministerio de Sanidad

Developed his PhD thesis, Estrategias estáticas y dinámicas para el agrupamiento de latidos mediante acumulación de evidencia (2018), under the supervision of Paulo Félix Lamas.

Aug 2019

Esteban Ferro Santiago

Postdoctoral Researcher en Fundación para la promoción de la Innovación, Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en la Industria de Automoción de Galicia – CTAG

Developed his PhD thesis, Light Micro-Energy Harvesting in Standard CMOS Technologies (2019), under the supervision of Paula López Martínez and Víctor Manuel Brea Sánchez.

Aug 2019

Roi Santos Mateos

I+D engineer en Babcock

Developed his PhD thesis, From line matching to 3D abstraction (201), under the supervision of Xosé Manuel Pardo López and Xosé Ramón Fernández Vidal.

Jul 2019

Sadi Abed Alhaleem Mohammad Alawadi

Postdoctoral Scientist en Malmö University

Developed his PhD thesis, Machine learning algorithms for pattern visualization in classification tasks and for automatic indoor temperature prediction (2018), under the supervision of Manuel Fernández Delgado and David Mera Pérez.

Feb 2019

Julio Illade Quinteiro


Developed his PhD thesis, Time-of-flight sensors in standard CMOS technologies (2017), under the supervision of Paula López Martínez and Víctor Brea Sánchez.

Dec 2018

Lois Orosa Nogueira

Postdoctoral Researcher en ETH Zurich

Developed his PhD thesis, New Hardware Support for Transactional Memory and Parallel Debugging in Multicore Processors (2013) under the supervision of Javier Díaz Bruguera and Elisardo Antelo Suárez.

Dec 2018

Pablo Rodríguez Mier

Postdoctoral Researcher en Institute for Computational Biomedicine, BioQuant, Heidelberg University, Germany

Developed his PhD thesis, A Graph-Based Framework For Optimal Semantic Web Service Composition (2016), under the supervision of Manuel Lama Penín and Manuel Mucientes Molina

Dec 2018

Tomás Teijeiro Campo

Postdoctoral Researcher en École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Developed his PhD thesis, Pattern recognition beyond classification: an abductive framework for time series interpretation (2017), under the supervision of Paulo Félix Lamas and Jesús María Rodríguez Presedo.

Sep 2017

Alejandro Manuel Nieto Lareo

E-learning technician en Centro de Tecnoloxías para a Aprendizaxe (CeTA) da USC

Developed his PhD thesis, Dynamically reconfigurable architecture for embedded Computer Vision systems (2012), under the supervision of David López Vilariño and Víctor Manuel Brea Sánchez.

Sep 2017

Juan Antonio Martínez Mera

Researcher en SiTUM

Developed his PhD thesis, Desarrollo de un sistema de imagen para la planificación de operaciones de aorta (2014), under the supervisión of Pablo García Tahoces and José Martín Carreira Villamor.

Sep 2017

Víctor Leborán Álvarez

Postdoctoral Researcher en Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Developed his PhD thesis, Blanqueado adaptativo de escalas espacio-temporales como mecanismo computacional de atención visual dinámica (2016), under the supervisión of Xosé Ramón Fernández Vidal and Xosé Manuel Pardo.

Sep 2017

Juan Ángel Lorenzo del Castillo

Associate Professor en École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information

Developed his PhD thesis, Performance Counter-based Strategies to Improve Data Locality on Multiprocessor Systems: Reordering and Page Migration Technique (2012), under the supervision of Francisco Fernández Rivera and Juan Carlos Pichel Campos.

Sep 2017

María Florinda Otero González

Specialist in orthodontics and joint and mandibular problems en Clinica Dental Maria Florinda Otero Gonzalez

Developed her PhD thesis, Achega ao estudo por imaxe da afectación da articulación temporomandibular na artrite idiopática xuvenil (2016), under the supervision of Pablo García Tahoces.

Jul 2017

Estefanía Otero García

Data scientist en Financiera Maderera S.A.

Developed her PhD thesis, Descubrimento de grafos en datos enlazados para a anotación semántica de documentos (2017), under the supervision of Manuel Lama Penín and Juan Carlos Vidal Aguiar.

Mar 2017

Borja Vázquez Barreiros

Data scientist en DXC Technology

Developed his PhD thesis, Mining complete, precise and simple process models (2017), under the supervision of Manuel Mucientes Molina and Manuel Lama Penín.

Dec 2016

Ismael Rodríguez Fernández

Analytics Service Delivery Manager en DXC Technology

Developed his PhD, Extracción evolutiva de reglas borrosas no convencionales para regresión (2016), under the supervision of Alberto Bugarín and Manuel Mucientes Molina

Oct 2016

Miguel Rodríguez Álvarez

Senior Data Scientist en Ryanair

Developed his PhD thesis, Temporal data mining algorithms for metric temporal constraint networks discovery (2013), under the supervision of Paulo Félix Lamas and Purificación Cariñena Amigo.

Sep 2016

Martín Pereira Fariña

Postdoctoral Researcher en Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Developed his PhD thesis, Approximate Syllogistic Reasoning: A Contribution to Inference Patterns and Use Cases (2014), under the supervision of Alberto Bugarín Diz and Alejandro Sobrino Cerdeiriña.

Sep 2015

Adrián Canedo Rodríguez

Co-Founder en SiTUM

Developed his PhD thesis, Multi-camera intelligent space for a robust, fast and easy deployment of proactive robots in complex and dynamic environments (2015), under the supervision of Roberto Iglesias Rodríguez and Carlos Vázquez Regueiro.

Jan 2015

Pablo Quintía Vidal

Pilot en Ryanair

Developed his PhD thesis, Robots capaces de aprender e adaptarse ao ambiente a partir das súas propias experiencias (2013), under the supervision of Roberto Iglesias Rodríguez y Carlos Vázquez Regueiro.

Jan 2015

Enrique Comesaña Figueroa

Co-Founder en EfiSmart – Soluciones de eficiencia energética y domótica

Developed his PhD thesis, Development of simulation tools for devices based on magnetic semiconductors (2013), under the supervision of Antonio García Loureiro and Manuel A. Aldegunde.

Jan 2015

Julián Lamas Rodríguez

Software Developer en 1000shapes GmbH

Developed his PhD thesis, Técnicas para la segmentación y visualización eficiente de imagen médica 3D: explotando la arquitectura de la GPU (2014), under the supervision of Dora Blanco Heras and Francisco Argüello Pedreira.

Jan 2015

Cristina Gamallo Solórzano

Co-Founder en SiTUM

Developed her PhD thesis, Localización y mapeado simultáneos en robótica mediante visión omnidireccional (2013), under the supervision of Manuel Mucientes Molina y Carlos Vázquez Regueiro.

Jan 2015

Enrique González Paredes

Postdoctoral Researcher en University of Zurich

Developed his PhD thesis, Representation techniques for real-time visualization of hybrid terrain models (2014), under the supervision of Javier Díaz Bruguera.

Jan 2015

Jose Manuel González Chenlo

Lead Data Scientist & Solution Architect en DXC Technology

Developed his PhD thesis, Exploiting multiple sources of evidence for opinion search in the Web (2014), under the supervision of David Losada Carril.

Jan 2015

Víctor Álvarez Santos

Co-Founder en SiTUM

Developed his PhD thesis, Development of a general purpose tour-guide robot able to learn routes from people and to adapt and move in unstructured and crowded environments (2014), under the supervision of Roberto Iglesias Rodríguez and Xosé Manuel Pardo López.

Jan 2015

José Antonio Rodríguez González

Co-Founder en EfiSmart – Soluciones de eficiencia energética y domótica

Developed his PhD thesis, Caracterización, modelización y optimización de células solares industriales de silicio de capa fina (2013), under the supervision of Antonio García Loureiro and Michael Vetter.

Jan 2015

Pablo Otero Pérez

Co-Founder en EfiSmart – Soluciones de eficiencia energética y domótica

Developed his PhD thesis, Optimización e caracterización eléctrica de módulos pv de tecnoloxía de lámina delgada de silicio amorfo (2013), under the supervision of Antonio García Loureiro and Michael Vetter.

Jan 2015

Álvaro Vázquez Álvarez

Postdoctoral Researcher en Instituto Tecnológico de Matemática Industrial

Developed his PhD thesis, High-Perfomance Decimal Floating-Point Units (2009), under the supervision of Elisardo Antelo.

May 2014

David Expósito Singh

Associate Professor en Universidad Carlos III Madrid

Developed his PhD thesis, Técnicas de compilación para la parelelización de códigos irregulares (2003), under the supervision of Francisco Fernández Rivera and María José Martín Santamaría.

Apr 2014

Antón García Díaz

Researcher in the Robotics and Control Unit en AIMEN

Developed his PhD thesis, Modeling early visual coding and saliency trough adaptative whitening: plausibility, assessment and applications (2011), under the supervision ofXosé Ramón Fernández Vidal and Xosé Manuel Pardo López.

Apr 2014

Lucía Espona Pernas

Bioinformatic Scientist en ETH Zurich

Developed his PhD thesis, Detección automática del árbol vascular retinal en imágenes de fondo de ojo (2009), under the supervision of María José Carreira Nouche and Manuel González Penedo.

Apr 2014

Abraham Otero Quintana

Coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering Degree en Universidad San Pablo CEU

Developed his PhD thesis, Un modelo de redes de restricciones borrosas para la abstracción y el reconocimiento sobre señales (2006), under the supervision of Paulo Félix Lamas and Senén Barro Ameneiro.

Apr 2014

Manuel Antonio Aldegunde Martínez

Postdoctoral Researcher en Swansea University

Developed his PhD thesis, Desarrollo de herramientas para la simulación de transistores MOSFET (2009), under the supervision of Antonio García Loureiro.

Apr 2014

Inmaculada Pardines Lence

Associate Professor en Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Developed his PhD thesis, Técnicas paralelas aplicadas a optimización no lineal en sistemas de memoria distribuida (2007), under the supervision of Francisco Fernández Rivera.

Apr 2014

Daniel Piso Fernández

Scientist and Work Package Leader en European Spallation Source (ESS)

Developed his PhD thesis, Mejora de los Algoritmos de Latencia Variable para el Cálculo de la División, Raíz Cuadrada y sus Recíprocos (2009), under the supervision of Javier Díaz Bruguera.

Apr 2014

Ricardo José Rocha Amorim

Associate Professor en Universidade do Estado da Bahía

Developed his PhD thesis, Modelo del conocimiento y arquitectura para la integración de metodologías educativas y nuevas tecnologías en el aula (2007), under the supervision of Manuel Lama Penín and Eduardo Sánchez Vila.

Mar 2014

Diego Rodríguez Martínez

Postdoctoral Researcher en Mestrelab Research

Developed his PhD thesis, Modelado analítico del rendimiento de aplicaciones en sistemas paralelos (2011), under the supervision of José C. Cabaleiro Domínguez, Vicente Blanco Pérez and Francisco Fernández Rivera.

Mar 2014

Ronald Teijeira Fernández

Cloud Solutions Architect (AWS) & Senior Software Enginee en Tech Data

Developed his PhD thesis, Improving search effectiveness in sentence retrieval and novelty detection (2011), under the supervision of David E. Losada Carril.

Mar 2014

Raquel Dosil Lago

Researcher in the Multimodal Information Area en Centro Tecnolóxico de Telecomunicacións de Galicia (GRADIANT)

Developed her PhD thesis, Data Driven Synthesis of Composite Feature Detectors for 3D Image Analysis (2005), under the supervision of Xosé Manuel Pardo López and Xosé Ramón Fernández Vidal.