ONTOpedia is an encyclopedic information browser about entities and terms. The information is structured in threesomes («Object 1», «Relation», «Object 2»), and indexed using «Solr» tool. Search is made writing keywords in any of the three available boxes: «Object 1», which might contain the entity or term from which information is required; «Relation» contains the relation between the entity or term that we search, and the specific piece of information located in «Object 2». For instance, to search Rajoy's age, this could be the appropriate query: we write "Rajoy" in «Object 1», and "Age" in «Relation» field. Search results will show up all the threesomes that contain those two elements, revealing the age result in «Object 2» field. The threesomes collection was extracted automatically from Wikipedia in English, Galician, Portuguese and Spanish using, among other techniques, «Open Information Extraction».
- Researchers
- Pablo Gamallo Otero
- Marcos Garcia González