The aim of this showcase is to present a motion planning system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that allows UAVs to move autonomously in real environments. The system has the following characteristics:
- Kinematic constraints. The system takes into account both the positions of the obstacles and the kinematic restrictions of the UAV, so that the obtained plans are directly implemented on the UAV.
- Dynamic. Has the ability to perform replanning in the face of changes in the environment.
- Anytime. It obtains a (sub)optimal solution very quickly, and iteratively refines it whenever computation time is available, until it finally finds the optimal solution.
- Adaptability. The actions are planned to different resolutions depending on the density of obstacles and the maneuverability of the UAV, in order to increase efficiency.
- Uncertainty. Planning manages uncertainty in both control actions and sensor measurements.
- Researchers
- Manuel Mucientes Molina
- Alberto Bugarín Diz
- Adrián González Sieira
- Scientific programs
- Personal robots